Your Evaluation Partner for Grant Funding

Need post-award evaluation or reporting assistance?

We specialize in cost-effectively demonstrating the impact of your government-funded projects and programs through rigorous outcome measurement and detailed analytics.

Unlike larger firms, we offer more agile and personalized services, ensuring you receive high-quality evaluations without the high costs.

Our evaluations provide clear insights into your project's success, helping you make informed decisions and achieve your goals efficiently.

Demonstrate Impact: Show stakeholders the tangible benefits of your program.

Improve Program Design: Identify areas for enhancement and refinement.

Make Data-Driven Decisions: Use insights to inform strategic decisions.

Measure Program Effectiveness: Ensure your program meets its goals.

Our Expertise

We bring over 20 years of specialized experience in evaluating various programs and projects funded by various prestigious agencies.

E.B. Howard Consulting’s domain-specific knowledge in evaluation makes us a trusted partner for organizations seeking to measure, improve, and demonstrate their program's impact effectively.

Comprehensive Program Evaluation: Assessing program effectiveness and impact with tailored methodologies.

Custom Evaluation Plans: Crafting unique plans that align with specific project goals and requirements.

Data Management: Developing data collection tools, ensuring secure storage, and maintaining transparency.

Interim and Annual Reporting: Providing detailed, actionable reports to keep stakeholders informed.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: Using advanced statistical tools and methods.

Impact Evaluation: Measuring long-term effects and outcomes to demonstrate program success.

Process Evaluation: Analyzing implementation and operational processes to ensure programs run as intended.

Logic Models/Theory of Change: Creating strategic frameworks to guide program planning and implementation.

Our Approach

We are focused on providing an agile methodology-like experience that is collaborative and iterative throughout the evaluation process. This approach ensures the timely delivery of comprehensive draft reports so that your team can review findings, provide context, and resolve any issues before sharing them with funders or stakeholders.

Data-Driven Decision Making

We excel in using quantitative and qualitative data to inform strategic improvements and optimize resource allocation. Our comprehensive approach ensures programs are designed, implemented, and evaluated based on solid evidence and ethical standards.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging stakeholders through continuous feedback loops is central to our evaluation process. We facilitate open communication and collaboration, ensuring that all parties are informed and involved throughout the project lifecycle.

Ethical Transparent Practices

Our commitment to ethical standards is unwavering. We adhere to the AEA Code of Ethics and maintain transparency in all our evaluations, providing honest and accurate data presentations to support informed decision-making.

Specific Expertise

We have experience evaluating government-funded projects and programs.

Listed here are some of the focus areas and agencies where we have experience.

Emerging Industries and Nascent Technologies: A focus on driving growth and innovation in rapidly evolving sectors, including quantum technology and the cannabis and hemp industries. Programs and agencies encompass various federal and state entities dedicated to advancing these cutting-edge industries.

Postsecondary Education: A focus on STEM aimed at improving student outcomes, student support services, and faculty development (e.g., TRIO, Title III, Title V, Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP), Advanced Technological Education (ATE), etc.)

Innovation and Commercialization: A focus on fostering innovation, economic development, and commercialization for small businesses and startups - Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs under USDA, DOC, DOD, DoED, DOE, DHHS, DHS, DOT, EPA, NASA, and NSF.

Regional Economic Development: A focus on enhancing economic development through innovation, funding, collaboration, and targeted regional support - NSF Engines, EDA Tech Hubs, EDA Recompete, etc.

Evaluation FAQs

Answers to commonly asked questions about our evaluation services, processes, and resources. Designed to help you understand how we can assist you with your project and program evaluation needs.

Let's get in touch

Need post-award evaluation or reporting assistance? We would love to talk to you and answer all of your questions. Schedule a consult call today.

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